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Some examples include:

  • Domestic Violence

  • Parental Stress

  • Medical Crisis

  • Mental Health Crisis

  • Job/School Related Crisis

  • Court Related Crisis


Our Mission


Crisis Nursery of Effingham County provides protection from and prevention of childhood trauma, abuse and neglect through 24 hour emergency shelter care to children birth through six. Crisis Nursery offers a unique and nurturing space equipped with safe hands and open hearts to all children and families in need.


What is a Crisis?  Crisis can look like many different things, but we define it as anything that may put a family at risk.



We are here for everyone.  A crisis can happen to anyone, and for that reason there are no income guidelines or demographic guidelines.  Our services are free and open to any family or child in need.  Anyone with children ages birth through six may use our services. While we are located in the city of Effingham, our service will be available to all surrounding counties including but not limited to: Fayette, Jasper, Cumberland, Clay, Coles, Marion, and Shelby Counties.

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