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I've always been so amazed at the magic Crisis Nursery's have displayed over the years...I think that's one of the things that has drawn me to this mission. God, the universe, our community, they all come together to keep children safe. Since the beginning of starting this project, we have experienced that magic time and time again, but I wanted to share with you an example of just how amazing it is.

Friday was our very first day in operation and what a whirlwind it was. We had our first crisis call and family come through our doors and we were ready...except the sweet infant that we had scheduled was on a special formula that we didn't have. Shoot. So I made a quick call down to Family Care Associates and thank goodness they had some on hand. Problem solved for the moment, but with how common tummy issues are these days, I knew we'd need a larger supply of this type. I spent the night working out solutions and had planned to run to the store and use a couple of our gift cards to buy a few cans to have on hand until we could figure out a long term plan (this formula costs around $28 per can!).

The very next morning at around 10a our doorbell rings. It's a grandparent toting three large Wal-mart bags. We welcome her in and she begins to explain how she was from a local church and had heard about our Nursery. Her granddaughter was having tummy troubles of her own and was not able to take the formula they had been given and she wanted it to go somewhere it could be used. As I peeked into the bags I saw it was the exact formula we were needing. 20 cans of it to be exact. Magic, God's work, the universe conspiring to help us...whatever you believe I can tell you we have guardian angels around us and I see you all every single day. Every single one of you from the very beginning of all of this have donated time, money, labor, formula, toys, diapers, are what make this Nursery what it is in our community. We thank you all so very much for helping make this possible!

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