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Six Weeks of Safe Hands and Open Hearts.

Who knew March 10, 2017 would be our date to open? I sure didn't, but I knew in my heart it would happen. This transition to opening has been crazy, wonderful, inspiring, emotional and trying all at the same time. We've been so fortunate that from day ONE families have reached out and children filled our Nursery in a way only they can. So far we have worked with daycare providers, Project Child, the Effingham Probation Department, law enforcement, the Department of Children and Family Services, foster families and local mental health counselors to ensure we are a supportive and active component to the families we are serving.

Our Prevention Care staff has been simply amazing these first six weeks at bringing our Nursery's services to life. From ensuring someone is always at the Nursery to changing diapers, they have done so with a passion that inspires each other and everyone that has walked through our doors. The children that our Staff have worked with have flourished in their care. We've seen kiddos begin to use sign language, show signs of improved confidence, strengthened self-regulation skills and improved overall health and wellness.

Today we have served 21 unduplicated children, over 90 admissions and over 850 crisis care hours. Somewhere in these numbers we have not only strengthened families and helped keep children safe, but I firmly believe we have saved lives. Our services lower the stress levels of parents/caregivers, and let's face it, raising human beings is HARD when your environment is calm and your support system is strong. Many families don't have the luxury of a calm environment or a strong support system. Our Nursery, the Nursery our community has created, is continuing and supporting the ongoing effort in our area and with other local agencies to strengthen our services and support for children.

Families and children are our most important work. Onward we go!

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